This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid shots see
(over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US alone)
To see the newest stories being collected now on the Vax-unVax tour, see Childrens Health Defense
Parents Blamed for Brain Bleeding Caused by Vaccines
LOGINThe Story of Stephan and His Son Donovan |
They Said I Shook My Baby - Kieran in FL |
The Syndrome (Trailer) |
Vaccine Nation (Trailer) |
Vaccine Nation - Full Movie (SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome) |
Silent Epidemic - Full Movie (The Untold Story of Vaccines) |
Doctors use Muhchausen for Medical Kidnap of Autistic (part 1) |
Doctors use Muhchausen for Medical Kidnap of Autistic (part 2) |
Police Officer Fired For Helping Parents Wrongly Accused of SBS |
SBS Cases Reported by U.K. Journalist Christina England |