This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid vaccines see (over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US)
Hospital Covid protocols more deadly than any virus, real or imaginary. Watch Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill
Are front-line emergency room doctors the key to identifying vaccine injuries and reporting them?
At least one ER doctor thinks so.
David Denton Davis MD, a former Emergency Physician, claims neither our Centers for Disease Control (CDC) nor our Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has requested help from the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) in identifying illnesses and deaths occurring hours, days and weeks following childhood vaccinations. Therefore, David intends to pursue an ACEP resolution supporting vaccine injury education and VAERS submissions at their meeting in San Diego this year.
In his recently published book Who Can Parents Trust? Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe, he claims the vast majority of serious vaccine related illnesses coming into Emergency rooms will continue to go unrecognized, unless nurses and physicians ask the last vaccination date (LVD).
He believes during the past thirty years several million serious Adverse Events (AE's), including deaths presenting nationwide to more than 5,000 Emergency rooms have never been recognized, documented or submitted for investigation, in accordance with our National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). All suspicions of a vaccine related adverse event are required by law to be submitted using our Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
Sadly, he goes on, very few Emergency Physicians or Nurses have received any NCVIA or VAERS education.
As a charter member of ACEP, Dr. Davis served on the Board of Directors during the creation of Emergency Medicine (EM) as a specialty. He admits his own reporting failures were due to a lack of vaccine education.
Dr. Davis states he is concerned many pediatricians know, but are not reporting illnesses following vaccinations, for financial reasons. Although neither makers nor physicians are liable for vaccine damage, the ultimate truth for safety was made contingent on investigating physician, parent or third party VAERS submissions.
With only a very small percentage being reported, no one can honestly say vaccines are safe.
At a time when our vaccine industry is rolling out newer and, perhaps, more dangerous products, he believes it is time to call a temporary halt.
He claims the millions of missing VAERS submissions may still be found, perhaps hidden, in insurance company files. (continued in part 2)
Dr. Davis points out that doctors who choose to ignore previously reported mild vaccine reactions, such as a fever, may be deemed liable for more severe events following future injections.
In addition to pointing to ACEP and insurance company reporting failures, he adamantly questions the morals and ethics of physicians conducting vaccine studies on extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU's).
He repeatedly questions how many more NICU infants need to be injured attempting to prove vaccines have no adverse consequences? He asks what has happened to those who have been injured.
A Supreme Court Justice has stated vaccines are "unavoidably unsafe." Based upon failures to report and evidence from NICU's, Dr. Davis' opinion dramatically differs.
His focus is on aluminum, a nervous system poison, which is present in most vaccines. Studies throughout the world are attributing injected aluminum to sudden death and long-term neurological disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorders and Alzheimer's disease.
No parent should consent and no doctor, under any circumstance, should continue ordering this avoidably unsafe metal being injected into newborns, infants, children, or soon-to-be teenagers.
He does not expect help coming from insurance companies, even those federally funded for our medically indigent and elderly.
If they intended to comply with our childhood vaccine injury law they would have done so long before now.
Therefore, he intends to pursue an ACEP resolution supporting vaccine injury education and VAERS submissions at their meeting in San Diego this year.
Dr. David Denton Davis, M.D. is a charter member of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Dr. Davis' book is available on Amazon: Who Can Parents Trust? Vaccines: Avoidable and Unsafe
I realized few in my profession have the slightest interest in knowing the truth about the serious risks inherent in our double blinded vaccination policies. Most doctors in fact, have no apparent concern for their own babies. It would be fair to conclude the majority of EMDOCS don't even bother reading vaccine package insert warnings when it comes to having their own children simultaneously injected with multiple doses of aluminum.
It would also be fair to conclude repealing NCVIA is the only plausible answer. It has been a miserable failure, simply due to continuing ignorance and intentional non-compliance. If our next generation has any chance, we must return product liability to vaccine makers. If they choose to abandon making their vaccines, there will likely be a much better solution. If we do not do so, we may as well indemnify Monsanto for RoundUp and blame thousands of non-Hodgkins lymphoma cases on coincidence. In the last several weeks a MMR victim was awarded $105,000,000 and the first Roundup victim got $285,000,000.
In attempting to educate physicians, especially those staffing our Emergency Departments, l have come to understand it may be an exercise in futility. If those in the best possible position for vaccine adverse event recognition and documentation, perhaps, with nursing, administrative and parental help, refuse to even consider the possibility an illness or death might be vaccination(s) related, we have a very serious problem. This makes NCVIA and VAERS practically useless. If physicians, hospitals and accreditation agencies are not obligated to enforce a law, how can hesitant pro-choice parents be held to a different standard?
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