This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid vaccines see (over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US)
Hospital Covid protocols more deadly than any virus, real or imaginary. Watch Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill
1986: The Act. A Shocking New Exposé
LOGINWatch Dr Wakefield's movie "1986 The Act" for free at 7thchakrafilms
Watch 27 interviews with parents about vaccine-injury in their family.
Dr. Wakefield's crucifixtion is a desperate well-orchestrated effort to restore faith in risky vaccinations that the majority of people worldwide no longer trust -Dr. Len Horowitz
The headlines blasted around the world vilifying Dr. Wakefield should instead have been trumpeting the success enjoyed by the team of doctors at the Royal Free Hospital in London, the families of the kids who participated, and certainly the children themselves, when the treatments for their inflamed bowels resulted in amelioration of their symptoms of autism. When kids who hadn't been able to sleep through the night for months began getting a full night's sleep. When kids who hadn't spoken for months - or longer - again began speaking, and speaking at a level commensurate with their age at the time, not at the age at which they'd stopped speaking; thus demonstrating continued mental growth despite the outward appearance of absence. And kids who'd lost emotional connection with their families once again recognized and bonded with their parents and siblings.
Co-Author of Lancet MMR-Autism Study Exonerated on All Charges of Professional Misconduct
A few years after Dr Wakefield found vaccine-strain measles virus in the gut of measles-vaccinated children with autism and bowel disease, US autism researcher Dr Jeff Bradstreet presented evidence to the Institute of Medicine in Washington showing vaccine-strain measles virus in the cerebral-spinal fluid of three children with autism and bowel disease. That most definitely should not be in central nervous system, however we know that surfactants in vaccines can breech the blood brain barrier, allowing vaccine ingredients to gain access to the CNS; a likely cause of SIDS. Dr Bradstreet's office was then raided by the FDA, and a few days later his body was found in a river with a gunshot wound to the chest. Authorities are calling the incident a suicide. Full article: The Daily Mail
It's no wonder the British government tried to discredit Dr Wakefield's research by any means possible. He, along with 12 other MDs participating in the study, had found a link between the MMR vaccine and inflammatory bowel disease in 12 autistic children. When the children's bowel disease was treated with conventional anti-inflammatory drugs, such as those used for Crones disease, the children's bowels recovered, and they started speaking again! Because the government had already given the vaccine makers immunity from liability for any vaccine injury, it would have been the government who would have been sued by parents of the damaged children. That's why there was the massive effort to discredit Dr Wakefield in any way possible. They recruited a journalist (with no medical training) to perpetuate false accusations in the press, pressured the Lancet to withdraw his paper, and pressured the U.K. medical licensing body to revoke his license to practice medicine. The Lancet even refused to publish another paper of his, totally unrelated to his MMR study, in which Dr Wakefield showed that infant chimps given the Hep B vaccine showed a delay in the ability to "latch" for breast-feeding, compared to a control group.
People who believe the lie that Dr Wakefield's study was "debunked" need to read the scores of studies that affirm his research:
2018 study from UC Davis: Immune System and Gastrointestinal Deregulation Linked with Autism
35 peer-reviewed papers supporting the findings of the original work by Dr Wakefield and colleagues.
157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link
Andrew Wakefield's Study Co-Author Completely Exonerated by British Court
Below, watch "Hear The Silence", a professionally produced, made for television dramatization of what really happened with Dr. Wakefield and the parents who inspired his research.
According National Institute of Health (NIH), acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is "characterized by a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin, the protective covering of nerve fibers. ADEM often follows viral or bacterial infections, or less often, vaccination for measles, mumps, or rubella."
"ADEM is sometimes misdiagnosed as a severe first attack of multiple sclerosis (MS), since the symptoms and the appearance of the white matter injury on brain imaging may be similar. However, ADEM has several features which differentiate it from MS. First, unlike MS patients, persons with ADEM will have rapid onset of fever, a history of recent infection or immunization, and some degree of impairment of consciousness, perhaps even coma; these features are not typically seen in MS. Children are more likely than adults to have ADEM, whereas MS is a rare diagnosis in children. In addition, ADEM usually consists of a single episode or attack of widespread myelin damage, while MS features many attacks over the course of time. Source: NIH
Also, UK government documents show MMR vaccine can cause Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis. SSPE is a degenerative neurological condition, which affects a person's behavior, memory and coordination, leading to fits, siezures, blindness and eventually death from fever, heart failure, or their brain's inability to continue controlling the autonomic nervous system.
March 8, 2013: Dr Wakefield's 1998 research proven correct by new study led by Dr Krigsman at Wake Forest University: MMR Vaccine Causes Autism & Inflammatory Bowel Disease. How many children have been disabled by the MMR vaccine in the 15 years since his 1998 report? For articles supporting Dr Wakefield's research, see Callous Disregard.
June 25, 2013: Science Daily: Dramatic Increase in Hospitalization of US Children With Inflammatory Bowel Disease
2002 USU Study: Pubmed: Abnormal measles-mumps-rubella antibodies and CNS autoimmunity in children with autism
2002 BMJ Study: Pubmed: Potential viral pathogenic mechanism for new variant inflammatory bowel disease
William R. Long, PhD, JD: On Second Looking into the Case Of Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield
Nov 29, 2016 Study: Molecular Autism: Alterations in blood-brain barrier and intestinal permeability in ASD Press release/summary Abstract and details of study methods
Oct 3, 2017: San Francisco Chronicle: NIH Grant Funds Researchers Exploring Link Between Gut Bacteria and Autism
Two Dozen Peer Reviewed Studies on the Vaccine-Autism Link plus links to 100 relevant articles.
The MMR, DTaP and some flu shots contain Neomycin. Neomycin destroys gut bacteria (good and bad), which allows pathogens to take over and weaken the immune system. When the immune system is destroyed or weakened, pathogens can take hold. When you kill the Alpha pathogen that was keeping a pack of lesser bugs under control, you unleash a Pandora's Box of mutated strains, and the formerly lesser pathogens become increasingly virulent. The shots also contain Polysorbate 80, which degrades (makes permeable) the gut and blood brain barrier, allowing the vaccine contents to enter where they should not be. Source: Dave Mihalovic, ND Vaccines are Causing an Unprecedented Number of Mutations
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (series) - 1st round given at 12-15 months old:
The evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between MMR vaccine and measles inclusion body encephalitis in individuals with demonstrated immune deficiencies. P.110 Institute of Medicine Report on Adverse Effects of Vaccines/2011
Measles inclusion body encephalitis is characterized by persistent measles virus infection, causing inflammation in both the white and gray matter and characterized by the presence of nuclear inclusion bodies.
We report a case of measles inclusion-body encephalitis (MIBE) occurring in an apparently healthy 21-month-old boy 8.5 months after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination. He had no prior evidence of immune deficiency and no history of measles exposure or clinical disease. During hospitalization, a primary immunodeficiency characterized by a profoundly depressed CD8 cell count and dysgammaglobulinemia was demonstrated.
Note: The presence of measles virus in the brain tissue was confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The nucleotide sequence in the nucleoprotein and fusion gene regions was identical to that of the Moraten and Schwarz vaccine strains; the fusion gene differed from known genotype A wild-type viruses. Clinical Infectious Diseases 1999 Oct; 29(4):855-61
The MMR II vaccine is contaminated with human DNA from the cell line. This human DNA could be the cause of the spikes in incidence [of autism]. Journal of Immunotoxicology, 2011; 8(1): p 68-79
Official Package Insert: M-M-R II is a sterile lyophilized preparation of (1) ATTENUVAX* (Measles Virus Vaccine Live), a more attenuated line of measles virus, derived from Enders attenuated Edmonston strain and propagated in chick embryo cell culture; (2) MUMPSVAX* (Mumps Virus Vaccine Live), the Jeryl Lynn** (B level) strain of mumps virus propagated in chick embryo cell culture; and (3) MERUVAX* II (Rubella Virus Vaccine Live), the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (aborted fetal tissue).
WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months (terminated during the 1st Trimester/United States 1961) gestation:
Minced preparations were obtained by cutting the tissue in a Petri dish containing GM (growth medium) with paired scalpels or a scissors until the size of each piece approximated l-4 mm3. Fragmented preparations were obtained by tearing apart the tissue with two pairs of forceps in a Petri dish containing GM until the pieces could no longer conveniently be grasped and shredded.
The WI-38 and MRC-5 cell cultures have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of (following) vaccines rubella (third component of the MMR series, administered in 2 doses, first at 12 months old), hepatitis A (administered in 2 doses, first at 12 months old), varicella (chickenpox, administered in 2 doses, first at 12 months old) and rabies (administered selectively pending rabies-related emergency). National Network for Immunization Information
Mutations and minority variants, relative to vaccine strains, not known to affect attenuation were detected in OPV, mumps virus, and varicella-zoster virus. The anticipated detection of endogenous retroviral sequences from the producer avian and primate cells was confirmed. Avian leukosis virus (ALV), previously shown to be noninfectious for humans, was present as RNA in viral particles, while simian retrovirus (SRV) was present as genetically defective DNA. Journal of Virology, June 2010 vol. 84 no. 12
Source: VRM
October 7, 2009: In a newly-published study, vaccinated monkeys demonstrated "significant delays in the acquisition of critical survival reflexes" compared to an unvaccinated control group, reports CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson.
It was the first time researchers had time compared vaccinated animals with unvaccinated controls. Researchers vaccinated 13 newborn rhesus macaque monkeys with Hepatitis B vaccine containing a standardized amount of thimerosal - a vaccine preservative thought by some to cause developmental issues. The thimerosal dose matched that given to human babies until the early 2000s. Four monkeys received a saline placebo and three more had no shots at all.
The study found the unvaccinated animals developed normally, while the vaccinated monkeys demonstrated an inability to latch for breast feeding, a crucial survival reflex. According to one of the lead investigators, Dr. Laura Hewitson of the University of Pittsburgh, "Infants of lower birth weight and gestational age were at greater risk."
The study, published last week in the scientific journal NeuroToxicology, was not designed to determine whether it was the thimerosal or another component of the vaccine that caused the observed delays.
"We undertook these experiments largely because we were unable to find any safety studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated animals," said another study author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield of Thoughtful House, which provides resources for children with developmental disorders. CBS News
PARADIGM SHIFT is an overused term. Properly, it refers to a radical change of perspective on a topic, such as the move from the physics of Newton to the physics of Einstein, or the introduction of plate tectonics into geology. Such things are rare. Something which history may come to regard as a true paradigm shift does, however, seem to be going on at the moment in medicine. This is a recognition that the zillions of apparently non-pathogenic bacteria on and in human bodies, hitherto largely ignored, are actually important for people’s health. They may even help to explain the development of some mysterious conditions.
One such condition is autism—these days often called autism-spectrum disorder (ASD). ASD is characterised by repetitive, stereotypical and often restricted behaviour such as head-nodding, and by the difficulties those with it have in reading the emotions of, and communicating with, other people. These symptoms are noticeable in children from the age of two onwards. Currently, in America, about one child in 59 is diagnosed with ASD.
What causes autism-spectrum disorder (ASD) has baffled psychiatrists and neurologists since the syndrome was first described, in the mid-20th century, by Hans Asperger and Leo Kanner. But the evidence is pointing towards the bacteria of the gut. That suggestion has been reinforced by two recently published studies—one on human beings and one on laboratory rodents.
The human study, the latest results of which came out a few weeks ago in Scientific Reports, is being conducted by Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown of Arizona State University and her associates. It was prompted by earlier work in which Dr Krajmalnik-Brown and James Adams, a colleague at Arizona State, sequenced the DNA of gut bacteria from 20 autistic children to discover which species were present. They found that the children in their sample were missing hundreds of the thousand-plus bacterial species that colonise a “neurotypical” person’s intestine. One notable absence was Prevotella. This bug, which makes its living by fermenting otherwise-indigestible carbohydrate polymers in dietary fibre, is abundant in the alimentary canals of farmers and hunter-gatherers in places like Africa, rare in western Europeans and Americans, and nearly nonexistent in children with ASD.
Their discovery led Dr Krajmalnik-Brown and Dr Adams to the idea that restoring the missing bacteria might alleviate autism’s symptoms. Two years ago they tested a process called microbiota transfer therapy (MTT) on 18 autistic children aged between seven and 16. Of their participants 15 were regarded, according to the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, as having “severe” autism.
MTT is a prolonged version of a process already used to treat infection by a bug called Clostridium difficile, which causes life-threatening diarrhoea. It involves transplanting carefully prepared doses of faecal bacteria from a healthy individual to a patient. The researchers gave the children, first, an oral antibiotic, a bowel cleanse and an oral antacid (to ensure that microbes administered by mouth would survive their passage through the stomach). They followed this up with either an oral or a rectal dose of gut bacteria, and then, for seven to eight weeks, a daily antacid-assisted oral dose.
Ten weeks after treatment started the children’s Prevotella levels had multiplied 712-fold. In addition, those of another species, Bifidobacterium, had quadrupled. Bifidobacterium is what is known as a “probiotic” organism—something that acts as a keystone species in the alimentary ecosystem, keeping the mixture of gut bacteria healthy. Now, two years later, although levels of Prevotella have fallen back somewhat, they are still 84 times higher than they were before the experiment started. Levels of Bifidobacterium, meanwhile, have gone up still further—being five times higher than they had been at the beginning of the study. This, says Dr Krajmalnik-Brown, suggests the children’s guts have become healthy environments that can recruit beneficial microbes by themselves.
Crucially, these changes in gut bacteria have translated into behavioural changes. Even 18 weeks after treatment started the children had begun showing reduced symptoms of autism. After two years, only three of them still rated as severe, while eight fell below the diagnostic cut-off point for ASD altogether. These eight thus now count as neurotypical.
Exactly how gut bacteria might contribute to autism is a puzzle. But light has been shed on the matter by the second study, published this week in Cell by a team led by Sarkis Mazmanian of the California Institute of Technology. Dr Mazmanian and a group of colleagues that also included Dr Krajmalnik-Brown performed a type of MTT on mice. They collected bacteria from the faeces of both neurotypical and autistic people (who ranged in their symptoms from mild to severe) and transplanted these into hundreds of mice. They then interbred the recipient mice and studied the offspring of these crosses—animals that had picked up the transplanted bacteria from their mothers at birth.
They were looking for the rodent equivalent of ASD. And they found it. Most of the young mice harbouring gut bacteria from autistic human donors showed features of autism themselves. These included repetitive behaviours, reduced social and vocal communication with other mice, and restricted movement. In contrast, none of the mice colonised with bacteria from neurotypical people ended up autistic. Dr Mazmanian and his team discovered, moreover, that the intensity of a human donor’s autism was transferred to the recipient mice. If an individual’s symptoms were severe then so, too, were those of mice that hosted his gut bacteria.
Dr Mazmanian’s study also dealt with the question of mechanism. One long-held suspicion is that a molecule called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is involved. GABA is a neurotransmitter, meaning that it carries signals between nerve cells. In particular, it counters the action of another neurotransmitter, glutamate, that excites nervous activity in the brain. Studies have shown that levels of GABA are lower than normal in the brains of autistic children (though, inexplicably, not in autistic adults). Some researchers suspect that this deficiency takes the brakes off glutamate’s excitatory activity, thus stimulating things like repetitive behaviour.
Dr Mazmanian and his colleagues produced evidence supporting this idea. They collected faeces, blood and brain tissue from the rodents in the experiment. When they analysed these they found that the “autistic” animals were deficient in taurine and 5-aminovaleric acid, two substances that stimulate GABA’s activity.
They, too, drew potentially therapeutic conclusions from their results, and tested those conclusions by giving the missing substances to female mice carrying autism-inducing bacteria in the weeks before those females become pregnant. The resulting offspring, though still showing some symptoms of autism, scored 30% better on the rating scale than did the offspring of untreated females.
Meanwhile, the success of the study in Arizona has prompted America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to look into the matter. A firm called Finch Therapeutics Group, based in Massachusetts, hopes to commercialise the use of MTT as a treatment for autism and the FDA has now granted this effort “fast track” status, which should speed up the review process. Dr Krajmalnik-Brown and Dr Adams are now recruiting volunteers for a large-scale trial of MTT for adults with autism, to see if they, too, can benefit. The paradigm, it seems, really is shifting. Source: The Economist
Mary Holland is a research scholar at NYU School of Law. She has written and edited books and articles on human rights and law. She has clerked for a federal judge, worked at the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights and at prominent U.S. law firms. She graduated from Harvard College and holds graduate degrees from Columbia University. She is a co-founder and board member of the Center for Personal Rights.
If you’ve heard Dr. Wakefield’s name — and you probably have — you’ve heard two tales. You’ve heard that Dr. Wakefield is a charlatan, an unethical researcher, and a huckster who was “erased” from the British medical registry and whose 1998 article on autism and gastrointestinal disease was “retracted” by a leading medical journal. You’ve also heard a very different story, that Dr. Wakefield is a brilliant and courageous scientist, a compassionate physician beloved by his patients, and a champion for families with autism and vaccine injury. What’s the truth?
Dr. Wakefield graduated from St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of the University of London in 1981; he was one in the fourth generation of his family to study medicine at that teaching hospital. He pursued a career in gastrointestinal surgery with a specialty in inflammatory bowel disease. He became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1985 and was accepted into the Royal College of Pathologists in 2001. He held academic positions at the Royal Free Hospital and has published over 140 original scientific articles, book chapters, and invited scientific commentaries.
In the early 1990s, Dr. Wakefield began to study a possible link between the measles virus and bowel disease. He published a 1993 study, “Evidence of persistent measles virus infection in Crohn’s disease” and co-authored a 1995 article published in The Lancet, “Is measles vaccine a risk factor for inflammatory bowel disease?” At roughly the same time, Dr. Wakefield wrote an unpublished 250-page manuscript reviewing the available scientific literature on the safety of measles vaccines. He was rapidly emerging as one of the world’s experts on measles vaccination.
MoreOprah will be on a 9 city nationwide tour in 2020 to promote Pfizer vaccines. This is in contrast with Pfizer's being fined Billions for fraud and Oprah's former guests who have told her of the damage to their families caused by vaccines. Also, there is evidence that Oprah had received their vaccine for pneumonia a few week prior to her coming down with pneumonia. Did Pfizer offer to sponsor her on her tour to keep her from speaking out about the fact that their vaccine made here extremely ill?
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