This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid vaccines see (over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US)
Hospital Covid protocols more deadly than any virus, real or imaginary. Watch Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill
Flu Vaccine Destroys A Perth Family (Saba Button)
Flu Vaccine Destroys A Perth Family |
They asked me if I had dragged him behind my car. |
"He's My Son" - Eric's Vaccine Injury |
Noah's Vaccine Injury |
Ryan Johnson from Nashua, NH died on October 31, 2011 following his routine vaccines at age 15 months. His parents still grieve. They always will. And in the midst of their grief they have to put up with other's negative comments about protecting their new son, Drew from vaccine death.
Words from Ryan's dad, Tom Johnson:
"Willing to bet any of you that are complaining about unvaccinated children would feel totally different if you were in our shoes.
"How about getting a call from your wife hysterically saying your son was found dead?
"How about being the first one to arrive at the hospital just to be told they are doing the best they can for your little boy?
"How would you feel going in the room while they were working on his lifeless body while you were holding his hand telling him to please come through this?
"How would you feel if you have to make a decision when to stop resuscitation on your little boy's life?
"How would you like to hold your son's dead body in your arms to sing him his favorite lullabies one last time before they bring him for an autopsy to butcher his little innocent body?
"How would you feel the next day while you were picking out his little casket and the Medical Examiner called you to tell you that physically he has been one of the healthiest looking specimens she has ever worked on?
"How would you feel when 7 months later you are told that they cannot find a reason why your son died?
"How would you like to live everyday knowing these facts?
"Your healthy baby boy who was never sick and never had any infections of any kind is now dead, less than 72 hours after receiving 6 vaccines.
"And again, other than that there are no facts. Except that no cause of death was found in his autopsy.
"Now put yourself in our shoes and tell me you wouldn't feel differently.
"I really hope none of you have to go through what we have been going through."
Words from Ryan's mom:
"It took 11 months to get pregnant. Ryan was a happy baby even laughing out loud at 2 weeks old. On Friday, October 28th he had his 15-month check up and received 4 shots the DTaP, HIB, flu and pneumococcal conjugate, he cried like crazy. That night he was cranky but slept through the night. The next day he was ok but it seemed that his leg was hurting I didn't think anything of it.
"On October 31st, 3 days days later it was a normal morning I took him to day care. I dropped him off and he didn't seem himself and even the babysitter noticed. I got a call around 2:40 it was the babysitter saying "Ryan is dead" she kept saying it. I thought it was a joke but it was a nightmare. I rushed to the hospital. Our babysitter had put him in a car seat so he was sitting up so he could take a nap but when she went back to check on him his eyes were rolled back in his head, she said she started CPR on him. At the hospital they worked on him for an hour but we had too make the decision to stop CPR as there was no chance for him at this point so October 31,2011 at 4:20 pm Ryan Thomas Johnson, 15-months old passed away.
"That was just the beginning we had to go to the police station after the hospital to be questioned. I knew in my heart our babysitter did everything she could for Ryan. We still have a great relationship and she takes care of Ryan's Brother Drew.
"It took 4 months to get results on Ryan but it came back as SUDC (sudden unexplained death of a child) the medical examiner said he was a healthy baby so why did Ryan die if he was healthy. Ryan Thomas died 3 days after his vaccinations, which is when the post inflammatory response is most robust after vaccinations. The what ifs- what if I didn't give him the shots that day would he still be here with us? I trusted my doctor and they said it's rare to have reaction. Educate BEFORE you vaccinate."
Don't miss the 1500+ parental accounts of vaccine-induced death at the Facebook group: Angel Babies/Kids, plus hundreds more parental accounts of vaccine-injury at The Thinking Moms / Hear This Well and below.
Children crippled with polio, following polio vaccination |
Father of five became quadriplegic with ADEM from DTaP vaccination |
Dr Bernard Rimland: "Raise your hands please..." |
Parents Testify in Support of Vaccine Choice Bill |
This little girl was given the flu vaccine Fluvirin about 2 weeks ago and is now partially paralyzed and bleeding from her nose. The diagnosis is Guillain-Barré Syndrome (listed as an adverse reaction on the package insert.) Her mom thought getting her daughter the flu vaccine would be good, and is now watching her fighting to survive.
They told me vaccines were safe!!! Yet, just after our last round (EVER)...she fell over with seizures...lost muscle tone, became "failure to thrive"...and of course developed Autism. Her immune system is now very dysfunctional, her G.I. track is a mess, and she has mitochondrial issues causing her growth to be delayed. I thought this was an exception until I met literally thousands of parents from all over the country....even all over the world with similiar stories! VACCINE INJURY IS REAL...THEY ARE LYING TO YOU BY SAYING OTHERWISE....PLEASE...AUTISM IS ON THE RISE...IT'S NOT JUST GOING TO GO AWAY......WE NEED TO MAKE IT GO AWAY...EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT THE RISKS...YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW COULD BECOME ANOTHER STATISTIC. --Autism Mom Brenda Wilson
Below: News Coverage of Addy's Story. Right: Addy Grace perfectly neuro-typical and healthy before vaccines.
A Wisconsin health care worker and newlywed, Katherine McQuestion received her flu vaccine as usual and later died from the flu.
According to WISN, McQuestion's mother said her daughter had received a flu shot as part of her job as a radiology technician while she worked at St. Catherine's Medical Center in Pleasant Prairie.
Kenosha County Health Officer Cynthia Johnson shrugged the incident off as a fluke and used this opportunity to urge people to get vaccinated.
"For the majority of people, they should get vaccinated because this is a very unusual case, and it typically doesn't happen," Johnson said.
The concerning thing is Johnson seems unaware that the CDC on December 3rd declared the 2014 flu vaccine useless as published by Reuters.
"The CDC sent an advisory to doctors noting that one component of this year's flu vaccine was only partially protective against the predominant flu virus, known as influenza A (H3N2), which has mutated since the current flu shots were made. DC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden said it takes four months to make a new flu vaccine even using newer cell-based technologies, too long to be helpful in the current flu season," Frieden told Reuters.
The CDC published they can not prove if the flu vaccine actually even works effectively, claiming on their website that the process of doing so is "challenging":
"While determining how well a flu vaccine works is challenging, in general, recent studies have supported the conclusion that flu vaccination benefits public health, especially when the flu vaccine is well matched to circulating flu viruses."
Nevertheless, pharmaceutical companies are confident their product works so many doctors push their products for profit regardless of possible health risks.
Did Katherine McQuestion's flu shot have Thimerosal in it? Thimerosal is 50% ethylmercury by weight.
On her death certificate, McQuestion's doctor attributed her death to influenza. Her mother said she developed sepsis from the flu, which is essentially blood poisoning, and suffered a heart attack and massive organ failure. Such side effects including the organ failure are caused by mercury poisoning. Chronic sepsis was documented as a side effect of mercury poisoning in 1979. Full story with video: Yahoo News
18-year-old SDSU student Sara Stelzer had received a meningitis vaccine. As in the case of Damin Hampton, officals say the vaccine did not cause the meningitis, even though meningitis is listed as a possible adverse event on vaccine package inserts. Instead, officials say she contracted a meningococcal strain not covered by the vaccine. Source: KPBS
This is Ariella. She was born perfectly healthy. She is now fighting for her life because of the damage vaccines did over a year ago.
At 4 months old she was rolling over, pulling her self up and sitting up until she fell over after a few minutes. She was grabbing for everything. Always smiling and happy said "hi" or at least it sounded like it. Our baby was perfect.
When we took our baby girl to her 4 month check up (07/08/14) she received 6 vaccines: DTaP, Hepb, IPV, PCV, HiB, and rotavirus. Within the hour her reaction started; screaming horribly, throwing head backwards almost touching bottom, loss of muscle use, loss of emotions, spasms we later found out are seizures, clinching of fists, etc. Her doctors said it was all normal.
After two months of begging her doctor for answers we saw a new pediatrician at her 6 month check up. Within a few seconds the new pediatrition found that my daughters fontenelle (soft spot) closed completely prematurely. We rushed her to the hospital only to find that our daughters brain not only stopped growing completely at 4 months old but also shrank in size. Her brain and spinal stem are also full of cysts from toxin and metal build up. -Raquel Donate
Baby Burton Given 13 Vaccines - Dies in Mother's Arms |
October is Vaccine-Injury Awareness Month |
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