This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid vaccines see (over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US)
Hospital Covid protocols more deadly than any virus, real or imaginary. Watch Vaxxed 3, Authorized to Kill
Julia Berle of TACA on Recovering Her Son Baxter |
Baxter Berle is no Longer Autistic |
"Autism is Preventable, Treatable. 1000s have Recovered." |
Using Biomarker Directed Biological Interventions |
Dr. Shawn K. Centers is a respected Pediatrician and Doctor of Osteopathy, with expertise in herbal medicine, autism spectrum, ADHD treatment, cerebral palsy, clinical nutrition, and learning and developmental disorders. HOPE = Holistic Osteopathic Pediatric Essential
Dr Kathy Reid: Recovered Daughter by Eliminating MSG |
Dr Kenneth Bock, MD: Diet Can Reverse Effects of Autism |
Dr David Davis: Effectively Treat Autism with Biomedical |
Dr Lawrence Palevsky, MD Speaks with Dr Joseph Mercola |
Kerri Rivera: Overview of Autism Recovery w/ MMS |
Proj. Camelot: Jim Hunble & the Story Behind MMS |
Dr Seneff: Chlorine Dioxide Destroys Glyphosate |
Kerry Rivera: Straight Talk on MMS |
Kerri Rivera has had very good success with eliminating gut parasites using a highly diluted solution of chlorine dioxide called "MMS". Dr Seneff has explained that MMS also neutralizes glyphosate toxicity. Every city in the country treats municipal water supplies with chlorine so the FDA's hysteria over MMS enemas is baseless. They have even gone so far as to call it "deadly". Well, sure if you drank undiluted chlorine. Whatever happened to "it's the dose that makes the poison" that they always say when we point out the deadly chemicals in vaccines?
Kerri has helped many children recover from autism using a completely safe MMS protocol. But there are people who think autism is just "neurodiverity" and choose to ignore the serious medical issues. A few "neurodiversity" people complained to Facebook and YouTube about Kerri, saying that it's insulting to imply that autism could be "cured". As a result, YouTube has deleted her account. You can learn more at and See also Dr Andreas Kalcker
The Abie Story: Dr Buttar Reverses His Son's Autism |
Univ of Calgary: How Mercury Causes Neuron Death |
Rashid Buttar's Transdermal Chelation Protocol Had An Excellent Success Rate For Reversing Autism.
Dr Buttar: Center for Advanced Medicine Know Your Options The 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor AwayIn the videos below, listen to parents and see the results in their formerly "autistic" children!
1) Uninformed doctors say "Your child has autism, but it wasn't caused by the vaccines."
2) Uninformed doctors say "There is no known cure for autism, only ABA and drugs to manage symptoms."
3) Doctors are misinformed! The autism-like effects of vaccine injury are being reversed! There are dozens of videos made by parents showing their formerly autistic child cured after treatment! (See below for a few examples.)
4) Read this book by Dr Bryan Jepson: Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians
5) Dr Wakefield has shown that the symptoms are due to acute gastrointestinal disease most likely caused by the child's immune reaction to the toxins in the vaccines. The gastrointestinal disease is clearly visible via colonoscopy (See "The A Team" video below.) Also, parents can order blood tests to detect levels of heavy metals in their child, however doctors scream bloody murder if you do that, for they don't want any physical evidence linking your child's injury to the vaccines. For then you would be entitled to monetary compensation under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). A diagnosis of "encephalopathy" or SSPE might be compensated, while a diagnosis of "autism" insures that you will NOT receive any compensation; because the offical position is that vaccines don't cause autism. Jon Rappoport's article explains this diagnostic trap so you can be aware to not fall into it!
6) Pharmaceutical companies have tried to discredit Dr Wakefield in the media because they don't want to slow the flow of billions of dollars into their bank accounts each year from vaccine sales worldwide.
7) Vaccine injury is cumulative, so additional vaccinations can exacerbate a mild injury into a severe disability. Even if you don't notice symptoms of former vaccinations, you cannot conclude that the next one will not push your child over their limit of tolerance. Watch for anything related to the gut; constipation, diarrhea, not eating. Also, watch for pallor, proprioceptive deficit, vestibular dysfunction, or a sense of being "not there." The idea that autism rates are rising solely due to increased identification is ludicrous; parents do not miss these obvious signs.
8) There are resources on this website to help you find a doctor who will support you in a healing program using a wholistic biomedical approach, as well as support your right to choose regarding vaccines.
Julie Matthews, Author: Nourishing Hope for Autism |
Small San Diego Suramin Study Showed Autism Reversal |
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