No vaccine has ever been tested for carcinogenicity (causing cancer) mutigenicity (damaging DNA) or impairment of fertility (fetal harm).
No vaccine has ever been tested against an inert placebo in a control group. Safety studies without an inert control is how manufacturers hide the harm.

This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid shots see (over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US alone)
To see the newest stories being collected now on the Vax-unVax tour, see Childrens Health Defense

Jehovah's Witnesses Past Opposition to Vaccination


"Vaccination Equivalent to Eating Blood"

An early leader of the Jehovah's Witnesses, C. J. Woodworth, maintained a continuing opposition to vaccinations. He seems to have believed that vaccination caused animal blood cells to be injected into humans. This he regarded as equivalent to eating blood, an activity that the group beieves is forbidden in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament). The group banned their members from having vaccinations from 1931 to 1952. An unknown number of Witnesses were disfellowshipped because they disobeyed their leaders on this matter.

The following condemnations of vaccination were published in the Jehovah's Witnesses'periodical, The Golden Agefrom 1921 to 1935. This magazine was first published in 1919:

"Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice...We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed...Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations." 1

"The public is not generally aware of how large an industry is the manufacture of serums, anti-toxins and vaccines, or that big business controls the whole industry. . . . the boards of health endeavor to start an epidemic of smallpox, diphtheria, or typhoid that they may reap a golden harvest by inoculating an unthinking community for the very purpose of disposing of this manufactured filth." 2

"Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows seeds of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccinations is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion." 3

"Vaccination is a direct violation of the everlasting covenant that God made with Noah after the flood." 4

"As vaccination is a direct injection of animal matter in the blood stream, vaccination is a direct violation of the law of Jehovah God." 5

"Vaccination is a direct violation of the holy law of Jehovah; I have no alternative. I must obey Jehovah's law." -Maria Braught court testimony 6

The name of the publication The Golden Agewas changed to Consolation in 1937. Finally, it became Awake! in 1946 -- the name that continues to the present day. In 1939, the following passage appeared:

"Oh, yes, serums vaccines, toxins, inoculations, are all 'harmless,' because the man who is selling them says so. You, my friends, believe this LIE, and continue to submit your body to these violations; then all I can say is, 'God have mercy on your soul. All vaccination is unphysiological a crime against nature." 7

C.J. Woodworth's prime objection to vaccination is that the serum was derived from "animal filth" that would pollute humanity. He implied that it caused various diseases like the Spanish Flu. It also led to a lessening of recipients' mental capacity and triggered sexual immorality. He wrote:

"...much looseness of our day along sexual lines may be traceable to the easy and continual violation of the divine commands to keep human and animal blood apart from each other. With cells of foreign blood racing through his veins a man is not normal, not himself, but lacks the poise and balance which makes for self control." 8

Early 1940s: The policy of the Jehovah's Witnesses towards vaccination seems to have changed during the 1940s.

"...Of the approximately 4,300 American Witnesses who were in prison as conscientious objectors [during World War II], "only a small minority concentrated in one prison refused to submit to the vaccinations [which were] compulsory for all inmates."

According to A.H, Macmillan, a WTS leader at the time:

"...our boys...considered [vaccinations] the same as blood transfusions..."

He intervened with the prisoners and convinced them that there were no scriptural objections to vaccination.  9

1952: The official teaching of the denomination changed. They published a question from "G.C." of North Carolina, in the Question from Readers section of The Watchtower. G.C. asked:

"Is vaccination a violation of God's law forbidding the taking of blood into the system?"

Their response was:

"The matter of vaccination is one for the individual that has to face it to decide for himself....And our Society cannot afford to be drawn into the affair legally or take the responsibility for the way the case turns out."

The WTS seems to have feared legal repercussions in the event that they continued to recommend that members avoid vaccinations. 10

Full article at

  1. The Golden Age, 1921-OCT-12, Page 17.
  2. The Golden Age, 1923-JAN-3, Page 214.
  3. The Golden Age, 1929-JAN-5, Page 502.
  4. The Golden Age, 1931-JAN-4, Page 293.
  5. The Golden Age, 1935-APR-2, Page 465.
  6. The Golden Age, 1935-APR-24, Page 471. The court testimony of Maria Braught was quoted.
  7. Consolidation, 1939-MAY-31, Page 8.
  8. The Golden Age, 1931-FEB-4, Page 293.
  9. A.H. Macmillan, "Faith on the March," Prentice Hall, (1957), Page 188. Cited in D.C. Thomasma, et al., "The Blood Transfusion Taboo of Jehovah's Witnesses," Social Science & Medicine 31(4) 1990, Pages 515 to 523. Online at: http://www.watchtowerinformationservice
  10. The Watchtower, 1952-DEC-15, Page 764.

Vaccination “a Crime” Likened to Rape

Most Jehovah’s Witnesses will be completely unaware of the Watchtower Society’s (WTS) once firm position against the “crime” of vaccination. During the centuries great plagues and illnesses have taken hundreds of millions of victims, sometimes even devastated civilizations. In the early part of the last century humanity was on the verge of a new age, when plagues as old as mankind were about to be extinguished. The tool was compulsory vaccination programs. Especially smallpox, one of the most deadly diseases in history, was targeted for extermination, and thanks to the vaccination program this was accomplished.

The WTS did not consider this program a benefit to humankind:

“Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows seeds of syphilis, cancers, eczema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccinations is a crime, an outrage, and a delusion” (Golden Age, Jan. 5,1929, p. 502)

Yes, a vaccination was “a crime” and was sometimes likened to a rape (like JWs today say about blood transfusions). Moreover, like almost everything else it has been used as a “sign of the last days:”

“Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice. . . We are in the last days; and the devil is slowly losing his hold, making a strenuous effort meanwhile to do all the damage he can, and to his credit can such evils be placed. . . . Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccinations.” (Golden Age, Oct. 12, 1921, p. 17)

In the world view of Jehovah’s Witnesses, then as now, the three major evil forces in the world are false religion, governments which are ruled by Satan, and the oppressive Big Business. It was the latter that was responsible for the misinformation campaign that vaccinations were beneficial:

“The public is not generally aware of how large an industry is the manufacture of serums, anti-toxins and vaccines, or that big business controls the whole industry. . . . the boards of health endeavor to start an epidemic of smallpox, diphtheria, or typhoid that they may reap a golden harvest by inoculating an unthinking community for the very purpose of disposing of this manufactured filth.” (The Golden Age, Jan. 3, 1923, p. 214)

“..much looseness of our day along sexual lines may be traceable to the easy and continual violation of the divine commands to keep human and animal blood apart from each other. With cells of foreign blood racing through his veins a man is not normal, not himself, but lacks the poise and balance which makes for self control.” (Golden Age, Feb. 4, 1931, p. 293)


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