No vaccine has ever been tested for carcinogenicity (causing cancer) mutigenicity (damaging DNA) or impairment of fertility (fetal harm).
No vaccine has ever been tested against an inert placebo in a control group. Safety studies without an inert control is how manufacturers hide the harm.

This website contains parental reports of injury/death from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule pre-Covid.
To see the injury/death from Covid shots see (over 1 million "excess" deaths in the US alone)
To see the newest stories being collected now on the Vax-unVax tour, see Childrens Health Defense

Rally Speeches Opposing Mandatory Vaccination


Del Bigtree and RFK Jr Lift Vaccine-Paralysed Boy up Capitol Steps at Rally Opposing SB276, Aug. 2019

More: Protest in Chambers Two Days After the Massive 500+ Person Outdoor Demonstration

Candlelight Vigil for the Vaccine Injured at Calif. State Capitol

Maine Vaccine Opponents Submit 77,000 "People’s Veto" Petitions

Anti-vaccine advocates submitted more than 77,000 valid voter signatures to the Secretary of State’s office in order to place a “people’s veto” of the new vaccine law on the March ballot. The new  law will end all non-medical exemptions from childhood vaccination requirements.

Hundreds of organizers worked over the summer months gathering petitions to try to overturn Maine’s new vaccine law, which passed the Legislature by a razor-thin margin this year and would go into effect in 2021. The law would require that children attending school get every vaccine on the CDC schedule [which continues to expand to include ever more vaccines.] Children who can’t be vaccinated for medical reasons would be exempt [however, as we see in California, doctors are now afraid to write exemptions for fear of censure by the AMA or government regulatory agencies.]

Maine joins California, New York, West Virginia and Mississippi as the only states that have eliminated all non-medical exemptions for school-required vaccines. More

Learn about Pending Vaccine Laws and Connect with Parents Nearby:

North American Organizations for Medical Freedom & Vaccine Choice



Vaccinated Children: Customers For Life